Always Pray with purple flowers on a wood background

Always Pray!

Dear Lord,
You tell us in your word from Zephaniah 2:3 to seek the Lord, all you humble of the land, who do his just commands; Lord at this time I am asking you for a desire to be placed down deep in us to to want seek you. It is so easy to seek the news, the experts, family, friends, doctors, but oh Lord we need you for direction, guidance, and wisdom.

We know that you are Sovereign over us, you love us with an everlasting love, you are in control even when it seems like everything around us is out of control. You are the same God who parted the red sea, calmed the storm, raised Lazarus, and saved our souls. You can do anything  and we know there is nothing to hard for You.

Lord we ask for the ability to love in a way that is pleasing to you through these difficult times. We ask for renewed strength and a deep desire to want to share your word. We pray that you would heal those who are sick and destroy this virus that had claimed so many.

I thank you in advance because you are in our midst, a mighty one who will save; you will rejoice over us with gladness;  you will quiet us by your love, you will exult over us with loud singing.  based off Zephaniah 3:17

I hope this prayer encouraged you today.

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Thank you for your prayer. Yes, we know our God is sovereign and loves us with an everlasting love. He has been whispering to my heart fear not, He is our exceeding great reward. Blessings

sheila d arrington

Thank you for such a timely Prayer!

Tinashe Jaricha

I love this prayer and will be reading it and personalizing it!

Ava James

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